ICT Mediterranean platform for UNESCO cultural heritage
Funded by the ENI CBC MEDITERRANEAN SEA BASIN PROGRAMME 2014-2020 of the European Union
iHERITAGE will create an innovation-driven growth process involving a wide range of stakeholders from 6 Mediterranean countries through an integrated approach which will promote cross-border technological transfer, Living Labs, industry-academia collaboration, creation of spin offs and new products using the latest ICT technologies (AR/VR/MR), for the enhancement of the level of interpretation of Mediterranean UNESCO cultural heritage and maximization of the commercialization of research results.
“iHERITAGE will show us the Mediterranean UNESCO heritage as we have never seen it. Dozens of new AR / VR / MR technological solutions will open the way for an unprecedented and democratic relationship with oral traditions, cultural heritage and archaeology, revealing forms, contexts and contents that would otherwise be invisible and reserved only for insiders.”
– Lucio Tambuzzo, project creator –
Click Here to visit the project’s webpage on the ENI CBC Med Programme website!
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The project gathers the following 10 partners from 6 Mediterranean countries participating in the cross-border iHERITAGE project:
Italy: Sicilian Region- Department of Tourism, Sport and Entertainment
Italy: Circuit Castles and Medieval Villages
Egypt: Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations
Spain: Association of Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce
Jordan: Jordan Society for Scientific Research, Entrepreneurship, and Creativity
Jordan: Department of Antiquities
Lebanon: Lebanese American University
Portugal: University of Algarve
Spain: Public Foundation of the Andalusian Legacy
Italy: University of Palermo – Department of Architecture