New Business opportunities & Environmental suSTainability using MED GRAPE nanotechnological products

فرص عمل جديدة واستدامة بيئية باستخدام منتجات تكنولوجيا النانو لمحاصيل العنب في منطقة البحر المتوسط


BESTMEDGRAPE project basically found to create job opportunities in local communities for the project’s partners through commercialization of nanotechnology results; which will be used lately, in cosmetics and pharmaceutical fields

For us, partner no. 7 – Jordan society for scientific research, entrepreneurship, and creativity (JSSREC), we started our work in this project where we took this mission seriously from day one, because of the benefits that will serve the scientific field, the industry, local communities, and other private sectors


Following a long-standing scientific relationship, a working partnership has been established with institutes were joint investigations on grape have already been carried out

Applicant: University of Cagliari – Italy

Partner No. 1: Italian National Research Council – Italy

Partner No. 2: National Institute of Health and Medical Research – France

Partner No. 3: University of Carthage – Tunisia

Partner No. 4: Saint Joseph University of Beyrouth – Lebanon

Partner No. 5: National Trade Union Chamber of wine, beer and spirits’ producers – Tunisia

Partner No. 6: Berytech Foundation-Business Innovation Centre – Lebanon

Partner No. 7: Jordan Society for Scientific Research, Entrepreneurship, and Creativity – Jordan

Main goals

I. Supporting the creation of new start-ups/SMEs

II. The involvement of stakeholders and business creation

Expected Results

I.  The establishment of new companies operating in the production and commercialization of innovative products and                       services in the area of wine and its derivatives

II. Change of attitude in the way Med entrepreneurs deal with botanical, metabolomic and beneficial properties of local                      grape cultivars

III. More attention to the manufacture of higher quality nanotechnological cosmeceutical and nutraceutical products

IV. The growth of a new market with tangible returns on investment, economy and creation of job opportunities

V. Ensure the preservation of Med biodiversity, and avoid environmental contamination from the huge quantity of bulky                   waste generated during wine-making

Project Duration

01/Sep./2019 – 01/Sep./2022


The direct beneficiaries of this project are: local farms, wineries, and cosmetic and functional food SMEs, researchers, selected potential entrepreneurs and local Institutions, which will benefit from extensive capacity-building during and after project performance

Financial Data

Total Budget: 3.3 Million Euros

EU Contribution: 2.6 Million Euros

Project Co-financing: 20%

Website and Social Media





V. BESTMEDGRAPE Researchgate